Meet the Longest Cat Ever


This 5-year-old Maine Coon cat, named Stewie, has claimed the Guinness World Record as the world’s longest domestic cat, measuring in at more than 4 feet.
Robin Hendrickson, seen here holding Stewie, and her husband are the owners of the feline. She contacted Guinness World Records after repeatedly hearing friends and neighbors comment on Stewie’s length.
The official Guinness measurement pegs Stewie at 48.5 inches from the tip of his tail to his nose. The previous record-holder was also a Maine Coon cat.
What do the Hendricksons plan on doing with Stewie’s newfound celebrity? “We hope that maybe Stewie can visit classrooms to help awareness of animal welfare,” Hendrickson told The Reno Gazette-Journal.
“But it wouldn’t hurt to see his picture on a bag of cat food,” she added.