The Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, Beijing’s Forbidden City, and hundreds of other world landmarks will be abruptly blacked…
Stop wasting food, save the world’s energy
IT IS no secret that meeting the world’s growing energy demands will be difficult. So far, most of the focus…
If You Live Green, Why Not Die Green?
This may really irk all of you who recycle plastic and paper, conserve electricity by turning off the lights, drive…
Why Most Stars Have Twins
Most of the stars twinkling in the night sky aren’t alone. They’re pairs, triplets or other groups, and scientists haven’t…
Welcome to the elderly age
USHI OKUSHIMA is the oldest resident of Ogimi, the most elderly community in Japan – the country where the average…
April Fools’ Day Facts: Behind the Laughs
For the eager prankster, nothing beats April Fools’ Day, a light-hearted tradition that’s several hundred years old. “A lot of…