Paralysed inventor to sell robotic ‘trousers’ for $100,000 that let patients walk and even climb stairs An Israeli entrepreneur has…
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Freer, Messier, Happier
In 1946, when my grandfather mustered out of the army and married my grandmother, he set up what looked like…
You Are Who You Eat With
When the 10 Garcia-Prats boys got together every night for dinner, they shared more than food around the table. They…

The Double Life of Women
The invisible turns of the reproductive cycle shape the everyday behavior of women and men. A woman’s cycle influences not just her preference in a partner, but her personality as well.

A Sit-In Success Story
Parents in a low-income Chicago neighborhood endured a 43-day sit-in to get a library for their children.

Grandmother Runs a Hospital of Hope
Several times a week, a 74-year-old grandmother drives into the murder capital of the world to help keep a sanctuary for its citizens alive.Guadalupe Arizpe De La Vega insists on returning to her hometown to preserve the Hospital de la Familia, a health center she started more than 30 years ago.

Are Ghosts Calling Your Cell Phone?
The number of mystery calls to mobiles attributed to spooks has rocketed by 43 per cent in the last four years, a study found. Spectre investigator Phil Hayes from Paranormal Research UK believes a third of all hauntings are now through mobile phones.

Elephant wins against Crocodile
A routine trip to the water hole recently resulted in a life-or-death struggle for a pair of African elephants when…

New Self-Cloning Lizard Found
You could call it the surprise du jour: A popular food on Vietnamese menus has turned out to be a…

Robot Makes Ethical Decisions
Robots and other machines equipped with artificial intelligence shoot military targets, distribute cash (think: ATMs), drive cars and deliver medication…