Frigid Pluto, home to some of our solar system‘s chilliest real estate, may well harbor an ocean beneath its miles-thick…
news +ve

Body Posture Improves Your Self Confidence
Sitting up straight in your chair isn’t just good for your posture – it also gives you more confidence in…

Facebook’s Zuckerberg To Give Away Half His Fortune
Mark Zuckerberg and 17 other wealthy Americans promise to give away billions, in life or death. Just in time for…

Mozart’s growing influence on food
Although the claim that listening to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s complicated scores can boost your IQ has been debunked, its effect…

Gene therapy ‘memory boost hope’
A gene therapy technique which aims to ease memory problems linked to Alzheimer’s Disease has been successfully tested in mice.…

Cambodian man clears land mines he set decades ago
Maneuvering slowly through grassy Cambodian terrain, a caravan of 20 men and women is on a search-and-rescue mission. Dressed in…

World population of endangered gorillas up 26 pct
The number of endangered mountain gorillas in national parks straddling three African countries has risen by 26 percent in the…

New Bacteria Found on Titanic
A new species of bacteria has been discovered on the sunken hull of the Titanic—and it may be speeding up…

UK Govt. launches £4.2m urban tree-planting plan
A £4.2m scheme to plant one million trees over the next four years has been unveiled by the government. It…

Why Positive Thinking is Bad For You
By Srikumar S. Rao source : psychology today Positive thinking is so firmly enshrined in our culture that knocking it…