Scientists have identified a new type of mosquito. It is a subgroup of Anopheles gambiae, the insect species responsible for…
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Tiny Flea Has More Genes Than You
A tiny, translucent water flea that can reproduce without sex and lives in ponds and lakes has more genes than…

Biggest Bear Ever Found
There’s a new titleholder for the biggest, baddest bear ever found. A prehistoric South American giant short-faced bear tipped the…

Ma’s gene does different things to pa’s copy
For the first time, an imprinted gene has been shown to have different functions depending on whether it is inherited…

New Hybrid Whale Discovered
They may be polar opposites, but something is attracting two species of minke whales, producing at least one hybrid offspring,…

Egyptian jackal is actually ancient wolf
The Egyptian jackal, which may have been the inspiration for the Egyptian god Anubis, is actually not a jackal at…

Pneumonia vaccine ‘to save thousands of lives’
A new vaccine against pneumonia is being rolled out in Africa which estimates suggest could save more than half a…

In Afghanistan, Women Cricket Is the New Revolution!
Think of Afghanistan and the first things to run through your mind would probably be war, Taliban, maybe Osama bin…

Determined Rescuers Save Dog Stranded on Frozen Pond
After several failed attempts, rescuers donned survival gear and retrieved a lost dog that had been skittering around the frozen…

Ancestors Left Africa Earlier Than Thought
An ancient toolkit unearthed in the United Arab Emirates suggests modern humans may have left Africa over 100,000 years ago,…