Darker coloured pigeons are healthier, researchers in France have discovered. A study of urban pigeons in central Paris has shown…
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Asteroid Forensics May Point to Alien Space Miners
Rather than looking for aliens who use interstellar radio signals to say “hi,” an alternative search strategy is simply to…

Huge New Dinosaur Was Cousin of T. rex
Paleontologists have just announced the discovery of Zhuchengtyrannus magnus, a.k.a. “Tyrant from Zhucheng,” which was not only one of the…

Laughing ‘better than latest technology for leg ulcers’
A good old belly laugh can help heal leg ulcers, experts say. The Leeds University team said good nursing and…

new species of seabird, the first in 89 years
From photographs taken by noted ornithologist Peter Harrison and reports by members of a five-member multinational expedition, bird watchers are…

More volunteers ‘prepared for death’ at Fukushima
In the scramble to avert catastrophe at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, selfless workers are volunteering to repeatedly endure high…

Coldest Star Found
According to a new study, a star discovered 75 light-years away is no warmer than a freshly brewed cup of…

Earth Hour 2011: When Is It? What’s the Point?
The Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, Beijing’s Forbidden City, and hundreds of other world landmarks will be abruptly blacked…

Thai Fossils Reveal Ancient Primate
A handful of fossilized jawbones found in a Thai coal mine belong to a new species of ancient tarsier, scientists…

Brain-computer implant has passed 1000-day milestone
A paralysed woman was still able to accurately control a computer cursor with her thoughts 1000 days after having a…