You could call it a whale of a “swarm”—the biggest observed gathering of whale sharks was spotted off the coast…
news +ve

Monkeys get glow-in-the-dark eyes
A gene therapy treatment in monkeys may pave the way to curing the blind. Treating blindness has always been an…

Hybrid Cuban-American Crocodiles on the Rise
There’s a new Cuban crisis—the island country’s rare crocodile is being loved to death by its American cousin, a new…

Tiny Hairs Help Bats Fly
Treating bats with a depilatory cream has lead to the discovery that the microscopic hairs on their wings are crucial…

Type 2 diabetes in newly diagnosed ‘can be reversed’
An extreme eight-week diet of 600 calories a day can reverse Type 2 diabetes in people newly diagnosed with the…

Nepal marks becoming land mine-free
A huge controlled explosion marked the end of Nepal’s deadly land mine areas and the beginning of it as Asia’s…

Rescuing children from a trash dump
During a visit to Argentina 11 years ago, Elena Durón Miranda was horrified to see children as young as 3…

Arabian “Unicorn” Leaps Out of Near Extinction
It’s no fantasy—the so-called Arabian unicorn is alive and well in Middle Eastern deserts, conservationists have announced. A frequent muse…

Pernille goes to war zones to free child soldiers
UNICEF staffer Pernille IronÂside travels far and wide to protect these children – at times risking her own life to…

‘Buy local’ program aims to boost value of aid to Haiti
After the devastating quake that struck Haiti in January 2010, journalist Mark Danner wrote a New York Times op-ed that…