A new hypothesis claims the Earth may once have had two moons, which eventually crashed together forming our current celestial…
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Miracle baby born with almost no blood
A premature baby boy has been brought back to life after he failed to take his first breath for almost…

In Search of Green Air-Conditioning
For years, the energy world has puzzled over how to harness the sun to make rooms cool. That may sound…

Vampire Bats Have Vein Sensors
Here’s a finding that might make your blood run cold—vampire bats have specially evolved nerves that can sense the heat…

Male Frogs Woo Females With Disco
Male túngara frogs attempt to woo females with calls that sound like the backbeat to at least one 70’s disco song. Despite…

Tomb of Jesus’ Apostle Found In Turkey?
The tomb of Saint Philip, one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, might have been unearthed in southwestern Turkey,…

Climbing Kilimanjaro Without Legs
Mt. Kilimanjaro has the power to intimidate even the fittest hikers. At 19,340 feet high, it is not uncommon for…

Wins silver medal with broken back in a year
When a freak cycling accident left Emma Bexson trapped in a hospital bed it was hard to imagine her ordeal…

New Shrews Found
A newfound white-toothed shrew of the Crocidura genus (pictured) is one of four potential new shrew species discovered during an…

“Soccer Ball” Nebula Discovered
A dying star‘s wheezing cough has puffed out a gas shell reminiscent of a big blue soccer ball, scientists say.…