India is on the verge of eradicating polio with only one case reported in 2011, making it the “longest ever…
news +ve

‘I love you daddy’: First words for girl
A couple who had waited for two years to hear their daughter to speak were overjoyed after the first words…

New “Albino” Spider Found
“I nearly fell over when I saw its white head,” Mark Harvey, senior curator at the Western Australian Museum, said…

Pomegranate helps fight heart disease, relieves stress
It can help to prevent heart disease, relieve stress and has even been shown to improve your sex life. And…

Prehistoric “Shield”-Headed Croc Found
Dubbed ShieldCroc, the animal’s head appendage was surrounded by blood vessels and covered with a sheath like those seen in…

Simulated Mars mission to ‘land’ back on Earth
Six men locked away in steel tubes for a year-and-a-half to simulate a mission to Mars are set to end…

Malaria deaths fall over 20% worldwide in last decade
There has been a fall of just over 20% in the number of deaths from malaria worldwide in the past…

Ryan Clinton wants to make animal shelters ‘no kill’ zones
Most people would agree that it’s better for healthy dogs and cats in animal shelters to be adopted than to…

Happiness Associated With Longer Life
Happy people don’t just enjoy life; they’re likely to live longer, too. A new study has found that those in…

Clever Eurasian jays plan for the future
Experiments with Eurasian jays have shown that the birds store food that they will want in the future – “planning”…