The third smallest baby ever to be born and survive is thriving, doctors say, after she entered the world almost…
news +ve

Dozens call him ‘father’
Kuku Arora sits in his second-floor office in a walk-up building in a crowded neighborhood of New Delhi, India‘s capital.…

How animals predict earthquakes
Animals may sense chemical changes in groundwater that occur when an earthquake is about to strike. This, scientists say, could…

Elvis monkey & coloured gecko among 200 new species discovered
The area’s diversity is so astonishing that a new species is found every two days, but regional cooperation and decision-making…

Chimp markets reveal evolution of friendship
WHAT was the basis for the earliest friendships? If wild chimps are any guide: support in a fight, borrowing a…

Biggest telescope starts observations
RadioAstron, effectively the largest radio telescope ever built, is up and running. The telescope’s main component, a 10-metre radio dish…

Supermassive black hole will ‘eat’ gas cloud
Researchers have spotted a giant gas cloud spiralling into the supermassive black hole at our galaxy’s centre. Though it is…

Oldest Known Mattress Found!
The world’s oldest known mattress has been unearthed in South Africa, archaeologists have announced. The mattress—which consists of layers of…

Rats free each other from traps
Rat catchers may need to up their game. The distress shown by a trapped rat will encourage another rat to…

Who lost a son in Iraq, Overcame grief by helping women vets
A new facility for women veterans in Bridgeport, Conn., honors her fallen son while helping homeless war vets in need.…